Lorin & Camille - Josie Keys

Wild Serenity in Love!

A Meditation and Movement Retreat
with Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche

The best kind of play,
holy play that leaves you energized,
knowing more, and feeling whole.
– GL, a previously exhausted surgeon

Wild Serenity in Love, Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche, Esalen Feb 9-14 2014 from Camille Maurine on Vimeo.

Wild Serenity in Love Retreat
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Stay tuned for new dates!

WILD SERENITY® is a radically liberating, deeply revitalizing immersion in meditation, movement, and energy practices. We explore the interplay between meditation and expression – the way that contact with the soul inspires dynamic engagement with the outer world, which in turn contributes to a rich inner life. Meditation can be defined as paying attention to the current of life and love flowing through us and riding it inward to our essence. This is an instinctive ability, a way of accessing inner wisdom, and we all can do it. In this workshop, we alternate sitting and moving meditations that awaken the senses, soften the heart, and stretch the muscles of the mind. Through body awareness, sound, and breath, you will gently and gradually let more life force stream through you. Nature is wild and serene, and so is your inner nature...

Esalen garden

"Wild Serenity is a fantastic workshop! Camille and Lorin are masters in their field, outstanding teachers, and caring human beings. They create a magical, fun environment where the wounded can heal, the healed can thrive, and we all develop the skills for continued, joyous lives. This not just for New Age types, but for anybody who needs more peace, happiness, and love in their lives." - Jim McCarthy, Stanford MBA, Internet Veteran, Cupertino, California

View the Wild Serenity Cartoon!

In this approach, you learn to embrace the fullness of your nature – vastness and vulnerability, sensuality and surging power. You will discover that what might seem like obstacles – raw emotions, restlessness, desire – are actually gateways into vitality, renewal, and creativity.

Tigers Red and White

"WILD SERENITY: Far, far far, far, far beyond my wildest expectations – joyfully transformative - an experience of permission unlike any I knew to be possible for me. Mind-blowing, heart-blowing, soul-blowing! I've attended many transformational workshops, but have never enjoyed one as much as this. I have rediscovered a playfulness – a gleefulness – that was well-hidden. I loved doing things I generally try to avoid: namely, moving and feeling...

"I love watching you/being with you, Lorin and Camille. Your range is extraordinary, as are your depth, presence, grounding, generosity, and grace. I want to also voice my gratitude for your quick-as-lightning humor. (Imagine! having Permission to laugh as much as we did in a meditation course!)" - Ann Cheng, Life Coach, Washington

Wild Serenity is a combination of delicious movement and meditative practices that allow you to tap in to the currents of love and life within you.

• Connect with your passion for life and find ways to live it more fully.
• Discover natural and pleasurable meditations that you absolutely love to do.
• Learn inner practices that lead you into deeper intimacy with yourself and with others.
• Find tools for transforming any emotion into life force and creativity.

This work is based on the principle of 
syzygy (sizz'-uh-jee) – dance of opposites that leads us into deeper union and freedom. Meditation and action, serenity and passionate expression, are the plus and minus poles of your life electricity. When you consciously embrace the full spectrum, you experience a dynamic flow of health and vibrancy.

Life is always pulsating in our bodies. When we allow this pulsation to enchant us and call us inward, this is meditation. When we ride those currents outward, we are led into passionate creative expression. Thus peace and passion are intimately interwoven.

Living and loving fully takes courage, and all the inner resources one can muster. Drawing on four decades of teaching and 28 years of relationship, authors Maurine and Roche share their experience with humor and compassion. If you’ve given up on meditation, or are ready to take your practice to a new level; if you want to tap into more joy and inspiration; if you long for more intimacy with yourself and others, then perhaps it’s time for Wild Serenity.

"Wild Serenity opened my heart, coming to the warmth of surrender. This magical pair guide this deep process where we find our own hearts rhythm. They are deft and honest, perceptive and fun. Somewhere in between opposites I felt the journey of meditation in it's everyday form, bridging the gap between the finite to the infinite, what a gift to take away! I know that if I went again it would be wonderfully different, just as the moment is, and would go in a heartbeat in trust that Camille and Lorin would be riding the wave alongside." - Cathy Owen, Actor Director Writer

The best preparation for meditation is to express the passion of your soul. The best preparation for living expressively is to meditate with all the energies that are pulsing inside you.

Welcome the fullness of your nature:

Vastness and vulnerability
Sensuality and surging power
Safety and excitement
Solitude and communion
Individuality and universality

In this approach to meditation, you learn how to let the techniques emerge from right within your core. In this way meditation becomes something you crave to do because it is a totally natural way to be with yourself. 

All levels of experience are welcome. Nothing is forced; you can go at your own pace.

Stay tuned for new dates!

Dance DomeEsalen in bloom - Chris Piercebaths-2
"My life has not been the same since embarking on that powerful week with these most beautiful and generous of beings! I was supported, I dared, I explored, I discovered, I was surprised by the beauty of Aliveness, I allowed healing in deeper than ever into my being, my life...I felt loved and felt myself loving...I changed, transformed, and in the end, sprouted wings! I made direct contact with my freedom in a way I never thought possible and felt held through it all. In their wisdom and loving, sacred safety was created and within its colourful parameters, I danced into my new being...in their loving and wisdom, a sacred safety was nurtured deep within my own self, so that I carry that time with me, always...carry with me, the lessons learned, the connections created, including the one I dared to create with my own Self.  Their work is magnificent...I love them both deeply, am ever grateful and, again, recommend this intricate and simple, daring and delicious, journey of Wild Serenity with a heart that beats ever fuller and deeper because of it. "  – m. t. yáñez, New York

Frequently Asked Questions:
~ What kind of meditation do we do?
~ Will I have to sit still all day?
~ What kind of movement is it?
~ Do I have to be an experienced meditator or dancer?


Lorin's site ~ a feast of fascinating info, articles, rants and raves!

Camille and Lorin invite you to contact them directly if you have any questions or concerns:
[email protected] or [email protected], or call 310 821-0620.

ecommended reading: Maurine and Roche, Meditation 24/7 and Meditation Secrets for Women;
Breath Taking and Meditation Made Easy. See Books.

"The play of opposites, learning to give emotions their full due, meditating by moving my body, wonderful leaders and interesting partners in this incredible experience.... Don't miss it!” ~ Suzanna S., Horsewoman, San Diego, CA
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Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche

CAMILLE MAURINE and LORIN ROCHE, Ph.D. are the co-authors of MEDITATION 24/7, a book and CD ensemble of short practices to do in the course of a day. This wife/husband team also wrote the top-selling MEDITATION SECRETS FOR WOMEN. Dr. Roche is the author of THE RADIANCE SUTRAS, a new fresh, sensuous version of the Bhairava Tantra. His other books are MEDITATION MADE EASY, BREATH TAKING and WHOLE BODY MEDITATIONS. Camille gives a yearlong course and teacher trainings in Meditation Secrets for Women. She is a performing artist trained in dance and the healing arts, and the creator of the transformational Moving Theater process. Lorin is one of the most highly experienced meditation teachers in the United States. Since 1968, he has worked with educational institutions, athletic teams, hospitals, the military, the homeless, and creative professionals.

Camille Maurine
Lorin Roche, Ph.D
P.O. Box 9325
Marina del Rey, California 90295
310 821-0620

[email protected]
[email protected]

Join us on Facebook, too!

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