Meditation Secrets for Women
Camille - JK

Not just meditation, but a way of life!

A Dynamic Online Course with Author Camille Maurine

A Journey through the 12 Secrets to
Discover Your Passion, Pleasure, and Inner Peace

Sorry, the 2014 Course is now closed.
We are currently revamping the next one ~ stay tuned!

Contact Camille

Author and meditation mentor Camille Maurine is delighted to be giving her empowering Meditation Secrets for Women Course with a vibrant community of women from around the world ~ many of whom have enthusiastically signed up for another round of the journey.

If you are ready to:

  • Discover a healthy and satisfying, female approach to meditation
  • Claim your inner authority and embody your authentic power
  • Open to deeper love, sensuality, and intimacy

Then welcome home!

This Course is an in-depth, personalized training in the female-centered approach to meditation and energy practices from the groundbreaking book:

msw cover
Meditation Secrets for Women
Discovering Your Passion, Pleasure, and Inner Peace

By Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche, Ph.D. (HarperOne, 2001)

Meditation is refreshing and rejuvenating. It’s good for your health, enables you to deal better with stress, and helps you live in harmony with your world. Hundreds of scientific studies have mapped out these beneficial effects. But to receive these benefits most fully, you need a practice that supports your female way of being in the world.

In this year-long journey, we delve into the
12 Secrets of energy ecology that every woman needs to know. Whether you are a teacher of yoga or meditation or a beginner on the path, this course is intended to give you a deeper foundation in what works for the female body and psyche, and for your individual nature and life.

Christiane Northrup

"Women's meditation insights and needs are very different from the traditional methods used for centuries by men in monasteries. Meditation Secrets for Women teaches you how to meditate with full access to the emotions and body wisdom that are a part of the divine." – Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom


“How refreshing! A sensible meditation guide that honors our natural way of being. Bound to be sacrilege in some circles, this information is a welcome change from the anti-matter nihilism of many spiritual systems.”  
Anodea Judith, Author of Wheels of Life

If you are not familiar with the book, you may wonder what type of meditation we propose. This approach does not adhere to a specific tradition, yet it is informed by many. No dogma here. Lorin and I know from our decades of teaching that women are natural meditators. Rather than impose a structure from the outside, in this course, you learn to claim and cooperate with your innate wisdom to find healthy, pleasurable ways to meditate. We call this Instinctive Meditation®.

Female meditative practices are not “one size fits all.” No dry and rigid discipline for us. Women must have more than one entry into meditation, so that we can meet ourselves in a healthy way no matter what is going on in our world, in our bodies, in our hearts. That’s why there are 12 Secrets – luscious, love-drenched, life-giving gateways to the Self.

It’s important to find what works for you and your individual life, awareness practices that you love and want to do. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced inner traveler, your practice should evolve as you evolve ~ now, doesn’t that just make sense?

“This course is more than just meditation, it's a course about life and beyond; it's meditation for the 21st century.” – Arian Young, Melbourne, Australia

The book itself provides a nifty structure and syllabus for the Course. Each month we focus on one of the 12 essential Secrets:


Introduction: Come Home to Yourself
Secret #1: Celebrate Your Senses
Secret #2: Honor Your Instincts
Secret #3: Claim Your Inner Authority
Secret #4: Be Tender to Yourself
Secret #5: Dwell in Your Inner Sanctuary
Secret #6: Answer the Call
Secret #7: Ride Your Rhythms
Secret #8: Say Yes to Every Part of Yourself
Secret #9: Rest in Simplicity
Secret #10: Do Not Fear the Depths
Secret #11: Love Your Body
Secret #12: Live It Up!

Camille with Israel David, son of Ana Claudia and Tim

In this Course, I share four decades of practice and teaching meditation, conscious dance, and creative expression. Why do I keep doing this work? Because I see profound and lasting transformation. I am in utter awe and wonder at how each woman comes home to her Self, her sacred feminine essence.

Each of the past four years of the Course has been a fertile, loving journey with amazing women around the world. For all these reasons, I am deeply inspired to share the 2014 adventure with you.

Meditation Secrets for Women came out in early 2001, it was the #1 bestselling product under $25 on Amazon. It struck a chord of truth. I’m proud to say it’s been translated into German, Dutch, Czechoslovakian, and Japanese, and on its way to more. We receive emails from women all over the world. How I love the web of connection!

These liberating Secrets bust open the stereotypes and show you how natural, vibrant, and pleasurable meditation can be:

  • Tap in to your inner roots and draw strength, nourishment, and inspiration

  • Experience profound release of tension

  • Get vital energy from all your emotions

  • Celebrate your sensuality, inner beauty, and flow

  • Honor your instincts and inner authority

  • Cooperate with your hormones and biorhythms

  • Connect to your primordial female power

  • Move and breathe in your divine essential being

Who should take this course?
Mothers, grandmothers, daughters, lovers, wives, business women, artists, homemakers, teachers, scientists, professionals, architects, therapists, coaches, yoga practitioners, meditation instructors, students, bodyworkers and healers of all kinds, dancers, wildwomen, gentle spirits, passionate and compassionate women awakening to their divine essential nature...

Especially if you work with women in any professional capacity, you will want to steep yourself in this embodied wisdom.

In the previous years of the Course, we’ve had a splendid range of livelihood,
geography, and experience ~ all decades of age, from the 20's to the 70’s ~ an array of individual differences within the deep commonality of womanhood...

Wherever you are on Planet Earth, this is a context to have live interaction with the author and go deeper into the movement of your soul.

You receive the benefit of Camille’s decades of experience, from her first formal meditation in 1972 to developing this approach and teaching thousands of women (and always learning). Along the way, the practices have taken on depth with her training as a dancer and body therapist, studies in Jungian psychology, and immersion in Continuum Movement since the early 80’s. Not to mention, for 30+ years she has been cross-pollinating with Dr. Lorin Roche, her husband and co-author, and one of the most comprehensive and insightful meditation teachers on the Planet.
This year Lorin is with us for four extra Q&A sessions!

This Course is also a prerequisite for further Teacher Training in
Meditation Secrets for Women.

Camille’s online course, Meditation Secrets for Women, is an outstanding opportunity to LIVE her book of the same name. She has the most soothing voice on whose frequencies the material seeped in to my being... life changing messages to my cells and soul. A Master Teacher.” ~ E. Jessica Fleming ~ Masters in Mental Health; Former Director of the Group Harmonics Retreat Center, Albuquerque, NM and present Co-Director of SoulPath Journeys, Auckland, New Zealand

kim headshot
“I would recommend this course to any woman who is interested in learning to meditate or deepening/expanding the practice they already have. The monthly calls and guided meditation practices enhance the use of the book and cater to any learning style.  Even though it is an internet program, the support and intimacy is abundant and the collective of women on the calls helps contain my process in a supportive womb of transformation.” ~ Kimberlee Orenstein, Founding Director, Yoga Loka Reno, Nevada

I have a whole list of women to whom I suggest the program because of the richness it offers. The opportunity to explore our deepest woman-ness with such a loving group is exceptional. The fact that we can do it from wherever on the planet we are, benefitting also from the richness of the teleconference discussions and your personal availability and loving support, makes this is an unusual, not to be missed, opportunity for personal exploration and growth. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~ Elisabeth Crago, Pittsburgh, PA

Initiation into the Mysteries
Here’s the radical truth: You are an incarnation of Divine Creativity in female form. Embrace your next level of embodiment and expression.

Your body and psyche are pulsing with innate wisdom and intelligence, clues to your organic unfoldment of energy. In this Course you learn how to follow that wise movement, with Camille as fierce ally and gentle guide.

This art of awareness allows you to experience more flow of life and love, enhances all your relationships, and ignites your creativity on every level.

Meditation puts us in touch with the larger cosmic body in which we live and move and have our being:

A field of vibrating energies that gives birth to creation

A body of love that nourishes and sustains us

A network of information that inspires and in-forms us

A movement of evolution that heals and transforms us

The sanctuary of meditation allows your body, mind, and heart to commune with the forces of life and love. It is sacred time and space in which your nervous system can let go and receive the communication.

Melanie Foust
“Meditation Secrets for Women has brought me into greater intimacy within my meditation practice and my own essential, sensual nature. The skills I've cultivated from learning the secrets have inspired me creatively, and helped me heal at deep layers of my being, instilling within me a true sense of self love and care. I see the inner wisdom of honoring our unique needs and desires serves all our relationships in the world.” ~ Melanie Foust, Yoga Teacher, Los Angeles and Seattle

How It Works

The Meditation Secrets for Women Course is an in-depth training geared to you and the other women participants. You each receive personalized attention according to your desire and soul intention. You also learn valuable tools that enhance your interactions with female clients, family, and friends.

We explore one of the
Meditation Secrets per month, following the structure of the book as well as Camille’s intuitive guidance. Together we visit the theme of the chapter, the Explorations, Skill Circle, and primary Meditations. Then we discuss your questions and discoveries as a group on the conference calls.

The Teleconferences are twice monthly through a special conference phone line and webpage. You can dial in by phone, use the special Skype connection, or join online via webcast. There are even some local numbers throughout the US, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, and THE UK.

You receive the schedule in advance so you can plan to participate live as often as possible. We alternate between different time zones to accommodate participants around the globe.

No worries if you cannot participate live – each call is recorded and you receive a link/mp3 so you can listen later whenever works for you! We have found that even if you are on the call, it is powerful to listen again to the recording and absorb even more deeply.

The two classes per month are spaced two weeks apart and are approximately 80 minutes each. Camille gives an overview of the Secret and responds to your questions and comments. This gives added dimension and living reality to what is in the book.

Throughout the Course you receive feedback on your meditation practice and Self-Care, as desired. As you read each Secret and do the journalling exercises about your personal experiences, you are invited to share your responses and receive reflection and support. Every woman has her own rhythm and style of participating in the Course. You find the level of involvement that feels satisfying to you.

The Meditation Secrets for Women Course gives you energy tools that serve you for the rest of your life...

Contact Camille.

This is deep play, and deep, transformational work.
This is sacred play, sacred work together. Simply Divine!
I am here with all my being as you move through your next threshold of initiation.

Camille Maurine
Syzygy Creations, Inc
P.O. Box 9325
Marina del Rey, CA
USA 90295

310 821-0620


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Copyright 2009 - 2014 Camille Maurine