
Ignite your creativity

Embody your wild and sacred energies

Express the Theater of your Soul!

Mobilize your mojo!

Our bodies and psyches are rich with stories aching to be told, life force waiting to be released into vitality and creativity. MOVING THEATER with Camille is a safe, invigorating environment to delve into your inner world and to dare fuller outer expression. You will work with imagery arising from body meditations, life stories, dreams, and fantasy. Through movement, theater improv, breath and voicework, you:

*strengthen your ability to be present
*open perception and liberate energy
*give artistic form to your imagination

All levels of experience are welcome and can benefit from this work. It is an especially powerful tool for PERFORMERS, ARTISTS, WRITERS and anyone else who wants to free up and flesh out your creative expression.

“I have taken many workshops [at Esalen]. This was THE BEST!
Took me to my edge, and helped me move, hop, dance to the other side.
Camille is a master at keeping the pulse of the group together and supportive.
We laughed and cried, were touched deeply and lovingly.
She is a passionate, creative MASTER!"
- Rev. Molly, Participant in Moving Theater of the Soul

What Is Moving Theater?
A catalyst for creativity in all its forms
A dynamic performance training
A healing journey
A path of awakening
A hell of a lot of fun

Come Play in the Theater of Your Soul
Beauty and Beast, Fury and Tenderness, Spirit and Sensuality, Light and Shadow, Sorrow and Mirth, Madness and Magic ~ what other pairings can you name? All these expressions provide keys to being a full and vibrant human being. Those we shun tend to turn against us; those we accept give us unexpected gifts. This is the Theater of the Soul.

How can such disparate elements coexist in one little person? How can you honestly embrace the rich spectrum of these qualities without numbing out, going crazy, or destroying everything around you? How can you ride these currents of life force into deeper connection with yourself and others?

Surprising answers to these questions lie deep within your body and psyche, the source of profound wisdom, intelligence, and healing. The awareness practices of Moving Theater help to give ground and space for those revelations to come forth ~ consciously and artfully. These workshops provide a safe, invigorating environment to delve deeper into your inner world and dare new forms of expression.

Created and taught by Camille Maurine, the Moving Theater process is a tremendous catalyst for creativity, transformation, and inspiration. Through a unique blend of movement, theater improv, writing, breath and voicework, you strengthen your ability to be present in performance and in life. Exploring body meditations, life stories, dreams, and fantasy, you open perception, free up energy, and give artistic form to your imagination.

What characters are in the wings of your inner world, itching to come onto stage? What stories are living in your flesh, waiting to be creatively revealed? What ways are you longing to let go? You don't have to know in advance ~ just come and explore!

“Camille holds a space for transformation that allows change to happen in an instant
and without the upheaval and drama that can sometimes happen with other practices.
There is no being blasted into a new reality with Moving Theater.
Instead, I am gently reawakened, as shifts within me integrate immediately into my own life.
If you want to unfurl your own fullness, then work with Camille Maurine.”
~ DR, Writer and Actor

Camille Maurine is pure, unadulterated magic in motion.
She leads you with movement, vocalizing and writing into the back roads of your psyche
and along the way you find delightful pieces of your SELF you never realized existed.
Moving Theater is a step into a new realm: it's a trip!”
~ Sand Brim, Gallery Owner and Activist

photo: (c) JBalnicke 2009

Camille began developing the breath, blood and bones of Moving Theater in the early 80's, bringing in new inspirations as they occur. These energy practices, expressive modalities, and perceptual experiments build a powerful foundation for your performance, whether in the art of your life or a specific project.

In these trainings, you learn to refine the skills of attention and presence. This in turn allows you to LET GO more in both directions, inner awareness and outer expression. To open and deepen perception, we cultivate subtle energy awareness ~ the "dreamingbody" as well as the physical and emotional bodies (just to use words for our seamless whole being) - through movement, sound, and breath experiments. Then we bring impressions and images from that inner connection out into creative expression through intuitive writing and various kinds of stage work. Participants experience
liberation of personal material, exaltation of interacting with others in new, honest, creative ways, and inspiration arising from body-centered meditations, stories, dreams, and fantasy.

"The journey with Camille is like climbing Everest while soaking in a hot spring. Camille's patience and skill at holding an authentic container steadied me during some long strides. The Buddha's last words were "Be a light unto yourself," a promise he held out to everyone. As the dream of Moving Theater has unfolded, a deeper relaxation is arriving, allowing the natural light to come through more freely. Thank Camille for this world of possibility." - Doug Farren, musician, artist, builder

“There are many skills that I have learned to practice from my experience with Moving Theater: listening (both to my own soul and to the souls of those around me), feeling, voicing, being curious and taking risks.  But I think the most important thing I have learned to practice is the practice of compassion and of seeing the multi-faceted jewel in everyone and everything at every moment." - Steve Chu, Los Angeles

Click here for more impressions from advanced Moving Theater students.

CAMILLE MAURINE has taught movement, meditation, and expression since 1975. She is the creator of Moving Theater (established in 1990) and the director of CoMMiT (Camille Maurine's Moving Theater). Camille's sola performances include Tiger, Tiger, Losing It, In the Meantime, and Plexus: LA. In addition to writing and performing her own work, Camille helps create and direct performance pieces for others, including Continuum founder Emilie Conrad in Anima/Animus (2003) and a peacemaking project by Jungian analyst David Gerbi, Making Peace with Qaddafi. Camille has been creatively involved with Continuum since 1983. She teaches at the Continuum Studio in Santa Monica, California, and travels widely to give performances, workshops, and retreats.

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Camille Maurine
P.O. Box 9325
Marina del Rey, CA
USA 90295

310 821-0620